Play Now / Create Now

The including three major sections for players:

1. Play now

this section contains three parts. Sit and go, tournament and specific game.

  • In the sit and go you can play and even bet with your opponent online and win the challenge.(The competition is between two player)
  • In tournament section you are able to play a tournament holding by regularly. The number of players and the time are restricted by the and the prize will be given to the top winners. 
  • In specific section players are able to answer other people questions which is made by themselves. All you have to do is to log into your account, paste the link in the blank and play. Then you have to wait to see the result and win the prize. (To more info about the link read create now>custom quiz)


2. Create now

This section includes three parts aussie quiz, custom quiz and tournament.

  • In aussie quiz you should answer ten questions about your favorite food, songs and this kind of things. The questions are the same for everyone. You are able to answer these questions. Then you can share this package of question on social media with your friends and family to see how much other people know about your desire. All they have to do is to click the link you shared and participate in your competition. The cool thing in this section is that you can set a prize for your contest and it could be anything.
  • In custom quiz section, you are able to do the same thing on pervious part but the difference is that you can design your own questions and answers, then share your package of questions via a link so that other people could click on the link and play. They also can paste the link in this path to play answer your package of question play now> specific game.
  • In tournament players can build their own match with a certain versatile prize by using our given subjects. Each subject contains various questions designed by


3. soulmate

In Soulmate you have to answer to certain questions. After that, you are be able to match your soulmate who answer these questions just like you. Your soulmate and you then connect to each other and you have a chance to chat and talk to each other.

SignUp / Register

There are two ways for signing up:

first, by creating an username and a password. Second, by an email address.


* please note that if you want to deposit or withdraw a certain amount of money you have to register by your valid email address.



There are two types of payment methods available in Billings section:

1. PayPal   

2. Crypto currency